Tips and tricks.
Domain 1 - What we will be covering.
The CIA Triad- Part 1- Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
The CIA Triad- Part 2- Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
The CIA Triad Quiz
IAAA- Part 1- Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability.
IAAA- Part 2- Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability.
IAAA- Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability Quiz
Governance and Management.
Governance and Management Quiz
Standards and Frameworks.
Laws and Regulations.
Laws and Regulations- Evidence.
Intellectual property.
Standards and Frameworks Laws and Regulations. Intellectual property Quiz
US Laws, European Laws, and International Treaties.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
International Agreements and Guidelines.
3rd Party, Acquisitions, and Divesture Security.
US Laws, European Laws, and International Treaties. GDPR, International Agreements and Guidelines Quiz
The ISC2 Code of Ethics.
The ISC2 Code of Ethics Quiz
Information Security Governance: Values, Vision, Mission, and Plans.
Information Security Governance: Policies, Procedures, Guideline, and Frameworks.
Information Security Governance Values, Vision, Mission, and Plans. Policies, Procedures, Guideline, and Frameworks Quiz
Access Control Categories and Types.
Access Control Categories and Types Quiz
Risk Management - Identification.
Risk Management - Assessment Part 1.
Risk Management- Assessment Part 2.
KGIs, KPIs, and KRIs.
Risk Response and Mitigation & Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting.
Risk Management, KGIs, KPIs, and KRIs., Risk Response and Mitigation & Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting Quiz
RACI charts (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed)
GRC - Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance
NIST SP 800-53 Revision 5.
NIST SP 800-37 Revision 1 and 2.
GRC - Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance Quiz
Risk - Attackers and Types of Attacks - Part 1.
Risk - Attackers and Types of Attacks - Part 2.
Risk- Attackers and Types of Attacks Quiz
Business Continuity Planning - Part 1.
Business Continuity Planning - Part 2.
BIA (Business Impact Analysis).
NEW 2024 External dependencies in BIA
Business Continuity Planning, BIA Quiz
What we covered in Domain 1.
Domain 1 - 30 practice questions..
Domain 1 links.
Domain 2 - What we will be covering.
The Information Life Cycle.
The 3 States of Data (data at rest, data in motion, and data in use).
The 3 States of Data (data at rest, data in motion, and data in use) Quiz
Data Classification and Clearance.
Data Handling, Data Storage, and Data Retention.
Data Classification and Clearance. Data Handling, Data Storage, and Data Retention Quiz
Mission, Data, System Owners, and Data Custodians.
Mission, Data, System Owners, and Data Custodians Quiz
Memory and Data Remanence.
Data Remanence and Destruction.
Memory and Data Remanence. Data Remanence and Destruction Quiz
Data Security Frameworks.
Data Security Frameworks Quiz
Data Protection.
Data Protection Quiz
What we covered in Domain 2.
Domain 2 - 30 practice questions.
Domain 2 links.
Domain 3 - What we will be covering.
Security models and concepts - Introduction.
Security models and concepts - Part 1.
Security models and concepts - Part 2.
Security evaluation models.
Secure design principles.
Secure system design concepts.
Security evaluation models. Secure design principles. Secure system design concepts Quiz
NEW 2024 Managing the information system lifecycle
NEW 2024 SASE - Secure Access Service Edge
Hardware architecture - Part 1.
Hardware architecture - Part 2.
Hardware architecture - Part 3.
Secure operating systems and software architecture.
Hardware architecture. Secure operating systems and software architecture Quiz
Virtualization, Cloud, and Distributed Computing - Part 1.
Virtualization, Cloud, and Distributed Computing - Part 2.
Virtualization, Cloud, and Distributed Computing - Part 3.
Virtualization, Cloud, and Distributed Computing - Part 4.
Virtualization, Cloud, and Distributed Computing - Part 5.
IOT (Internet Of Things).
Virtualization, Cloud, and Distributed Computing IOT (Internet Of Things) Quiz
Emanations and Covert Channels.
Emanations and Covert Channels Quiz
Malware - Part 1.
Malware - Part 2.
Web architecture and attacks.
Malware. Web architecture and attacks Quiz
Database Security.
Mobile device security.
Industrial Control Systems.
Database security. Mobile device security. Industrial Control Systems Quiz
Introduction to Cryptography - Part 1.
Introduction to Cryptography - Part 2.
The history of cryptography - Part 1.
The history of cryptography - Part 2.
Introduction to Cryptography / History Quiz
The encryption we use today.
Symmetric encryption - Part 1.
Symmetric Encryption - Part 2.
Symmetric encryption Quiz
Asymmetric encryption - Part 1.
Asymmetric encryption - Part 2.
Asymmetric encryption Quiz
Hashing - Part 1.
Hashing - Part 2.
NEW 2024 Quantum Cryptography and Key Distribution.
Attacks on our cryptography - Part 1.
Attacks on our cryptography - Part 2.
Attacks on our cryptography - Part 3.
Digital signatures.
Hashing, Attacks on our cryptography, Digital signatures Quiz
IPSec and PGP.
MAC, HMAC, SSL, and TLS. IPSec, and PGP Quiz
Physical security - Part 1.
Physical security - Part 2.
Physical security - Part 3.
Physical security - Part 4.
Physical security - Part 5.
Physical security - Part 6.
Physical Security Quiz
Site selection - Part 1.
Site selection - Part 2.
Site selection Quiz
Media storage.
Asset tracking and hardware hardening.
Media storage. Asset tracking and hardware hardening Quiz
Electricity Quiz
Fire suppression and hot and cold aisles.
Heat, Flame, Particle, and Smoke Detectors.
Fire suppression - Part 1.
Fire suppression - Part 2.
Fire suppression and hot and cold aisles. Fire suppression - Heat, Flame, Particle, and Smoke Detectors Quiz
Personnel safety.
Personnel safety Quiz
Domain 3 - What we covered.
Domain 3 - 30 practice questions.
Domain 3 links.
Domain 4 - What we will be covering.
Networking basics and definitions.
The OSI model - Part 1.
The OSI model - Part 2.
The TCP/IP model.
The OSI model - The TCP/IP model Quiz
IP addresses, MAC addresses, and port numbers - Part 1.
IP addresses, MAC addresses, and port numbers - Part 2.
IP addresses, MAC addresses, and port numbers - Part 3.
IP addresses, MAC addresses, and port numbers - Part 4.
IP support protocols - Part 1.
IP support protocols - Part 2.
IP addresses, MAC addresses, and port numbers - IP support protocols Quiz
Cable types.
LAN topologies.
WAN protocols.
SAN and VoIP protocols.
Cable types. LAN topologies. WAN protocols. SAN and VoIP protocols Quiz
WiFi - Part 1.
WiFi - Part 2.
Wireless networks.
WiFi - Bluetooth. Wireless Networks Quiz
Layer 1 to 3 networking devices.
Layer 3 routing protocols.
Layer 1 to 3 networking devices. Layer 3 routing protocols Quiz
NEW 2024 Network Performance and Traffic Management
Firewalls - Part 1.
Firewalls - Part 2.
Firewalls. Modems Quiz
Network authentication protocols.
Secure communications - Part 1.
Secure communications - Part 2.
Secure communications - Part 3.
Network authentication protocols. Secure Communications Quiz
What we covered in Domain 4.
Domain 4 - 30 practice questions.
Domain 4 links.
Domain 5 - What we will be covering.
Introduction to Access Control.
Type 1 authentication - "Something you know" or "Knowledge factors".
Type 2 authentication - "Something you have" or "Possession factors".
Type 3 authentication - "Something you are" or "Biometrics".
Access control systems.
Access Control. IAAA Quiz
NEW 2024 Policy Decision/Enforcement points, and service account management
Identity and access provisioning.
Identity and access provisioning Quiz
Authentication protocols - Part 1.
Authentication protocols - Part 2.
Authentication protocols Quiz
What we covered in Domain 5.
Domain 5 - 30 practice questions.
Domain 5 links.
Domain 6 - What we will be covering.
Domain 6 key concepts.
Security Assessments.
Security Audits.
Security Audit Logs.
NEW 2024 Audit strategies for cloud and hybrid environments - part 1.
NEW 2024 Audit strategies for cloud and hybrid environments - part 2.
Vulnerability scanners.
Security Assessments. Security Audits. Vulnerability scanners Quiz
Penetration testing.
Social Engineering attacks.
Penetration testing tools.
Social Engineering attacks. Penetration testing tools. Penetration testing Quiz
Software testing - Part 1.
Software testing - Part 2.
Software testing Quiz
What we covered in Domain 6.
Domain 6 - 30 practice questions.
Domain 6 links.
Domain 7 - What we will be covering.
Domain 7 key concepts.
Administrative personnel controls.
Administrative personnel controls Quiz
Digital forensics.
Spinning disk forensics.
Network and Software forensics.
Digital forensics. Spinning disk forensics. Network and Software forensics Quiz
Incident Management definitions.
Incident Management - Part 1.
Incident Management - Part 2.
Incident Management Quiz
Intrusion detection and prevention systems.
Intrusion detection and prevention systems Quiz
SIEM and SOAR systems.
SIEM and SOAR systems Quiz
Application positive-listing.
Honeynets and Honeypots.
Application positive listing. Honeynets and Honeypots Quiz
Configuration Management.
Patch Management.
Change management.
0-day attacks.
Configuration Management. Patch Management. Change management. 0-day attacks Quiz
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks).
Redundancy. Backups. RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) Quiz
BCP and DRP - Part 1.
BCP and DRP - Part 2.
Warfare, terrorism, sabotage, and ransomware.
DRP basics.
Developing our BCP and DRP.
BIA (Business Impact Analysis).
BCP and DRP. BIA (Business Impact Analysis) Quiz
Supply and infrastructure redundancy.
Supply and infrastructure redundancy Quiz
Disaster Recovery sites.
Other BCP sub plans.
Employee redundancy.
Testing the plans - Part 1.
Testing the plans - Part 2.
After a disruption.
Disaster Recovery sites. Employee redundancy. Testing the Plans After a disruption Quiz
What we covered in Domain 7.
Domain 7 - 30 practice questions.
Domain 7 links.
Domain 8 - What we will be covering.
Designing security into our software.
Programming concepts - Part 1.
Programming concepts - Part 2.
Designing security into our software. Programming Concepts Quiz
Software development methodologies - Part 1.
Software development methodologies - Part 2.
Software development methodologies - Part 3.
Software development methodologies - Part 4.
DevOps and DevSecOps.
Software development methodologies DevOps and DevSecOps Quiz
NEW 2024 SAFe - Scaled Agile Frameworks
Databases - Part 1.
Databases - Part 2.
Databases - Part 3.
Databases - Part 4.
Databases Quiz
OWASP - Part 1.
OWASP - Part 2.
OWASP - Part 3.
OWASP - Part 4.
Software vulnerabilities and Attacks.
Software vulnerabilities and Attacks Quiz
Maturity Models - Part 1.
Maturity Models - Part 2.
Maturity Models Quiz
Buying software from other companies.
Buying software from other companies Quiz
NEW 2024 SCA - Software Composition Analysis.
Artificial intelligence (AI).
Artificial intelligence (AI) Quiz
What we covered in Domain 8.
Domain 8 - 30 practice questions.
Domain 8 links.
Thor's CISSP Domain 1 Flashcards - ThorTeaches.com
Thor's CISSP Domain 2 Flashcards - ThorTeaches.com
Thor's CISSP Domain 3 Flashcards - ThorTeaches.com
Thor's CISSP Domain 4 Flashcards - ThorTeaches.com
Thor's CISSP Domain 5 Flashcards - ThorTeaches.com
Thor's CISSP Domain 6 Flashcards - ThorTeaches.com
Thor's CISSP Domain 7 Flashcards - ThorTeaches.com
Thor's CISSP Domain 8 Flashcards - ThorTeaches.com
Thor's CISSP Glossary - 2500 terms
The 4 things you need to pass your CISSP certification.
How to find your study materials - Videos and books.
How to find your study materials - Free resources.
How to find your study materials - Practice questions.
What I would get if I were studying for the CISSP.
How to build your study plan.
How to reach your goals, in this case passing the CISSP exam!
The 8 CISSP domains.
How to use practice questions, deconstruct them, and time management - Part 1.
How to use practice questions, deconstruct them, and time management - Part 2.
How to design your career and certification path.
The CISSP exam itself, how to mentally and physically prepare for it.
The CISSP CAT (Computerized Adaptive Testing) exam.
CISSP CAT - Links and background.
Scheduling your exam and what to expect.
What to expect on exam day and after.
Life after passing the CISSP certification and being endorsed.
I failed, now what should I do?
CPE resources.
Congratulations on finishing the course. Now what?!?!
Why should you want to get the CISSP certification?
General CISSP links.
